Like you, professional development consultant, business author, and keynote speaker Eric Williamson has seen the word success defined in numerous ways.
Does it take good grades and education, high IQ scores and standardized tests, climbing up the corporate ladder, playing politics, is it about good timing, is it only meant for a select few? Or is there a different story?
With two decades of professional development experience, speaking, and most importantly, real-life, hands on in-the-trenches business experience in both the private and public sectors, his view is inherently different. Eric appreciates, and shares with listeners, that no matter how talented, gifted or experienced, and no matter what role we serve or title we carry, our level of success is not measured based on the work we produce; it is measured based on the relationships we build. To that end, he works with organizations to build successful leaders by building stronger customer and workplace relationships.
He is often referred to as the “Connector” for his ability to make his message resonate with groups, or as “the Change maker” for his ability to inspire change and improve morale. He provides a unique skillset that brings out the best in people. His empathic, engaging, down to earth style, fusion of real-life stories and his conversational techniques connect with his audience at an intimate, intense and individual level.